
Three-dimensional numerical simulation analysis of the influence of pit excavation based on hardening soilsmall strain model for metro tunnel

  • 摘要: 选择小应变硬化土模型(HSS模型),通过室内试验、原位测试以及有限元软件Z-Soil的虚拟实验室及数据库合理确定模型参数,建立三维计算模型,进行考虑流固耦合的有限元分析,评估基坑在各工况下的施工对下穿地铁隧道的影响,并与实测结果进行对比,为同类项目的模型选择、参数确定及分析评估提供经验。


    Abstract: The parameters of a Hardening soil-small strain model are set up legitimately by means of a laboratory geotechnical test, situ testing, virtual laboratory and database of FEM software Z-Soil. A three-dimensional numerical simulation model is constructed, as well as processing the analysis of fluid-structure interaction. The influence of pit excavation under various construction conditions on the metro tunnel is evaluated and is compared with actual results. The experience of selecting models, setting up parameters and analysis assessment is provided to similar projects.


