

  • 摘要: 因北疆供水一期工程膨胀土渠坡每年经历通水、停水及冻结、融化过程,导致渠坡多次发生滑动破坏现象。为深入探讨膨胀土渠坡的滑动破坏机理,通过对膨胀土进行裂隙性试验、剪切试验及其微观试验,从宏-细-微三个角度分析了膨胀土的劣化物理机制。研究结果表明:膨胀土经过干湿-冻融循环后,裂隙率、裂隙条数及裂隙总长度等评价指标呈急剧上升的趋势,而后速度变缓最后趋于稳定,因现有指标存在量度单一等问题,在已有裂隙性指标基础上,通过相交点数和裂隙条数提出一种新的裂隙评价指标 Q ,可全面评价裂隙发育程度, Q 随着循环次数的增加而增加,而后变缓最后趋于稳定;膨胀土经过不同次数干湿-冻融循环,黏聚力随循环次数的增加而减小,内摩擦角基本处于稳定值,抗剪强度主要与黏聚力相关联,黏聚力与裂隙参数 Q 关系曲线呈线性变化,黏聚力随 Q 的增加而减小;微观机理方面,通过微观电镜扫描,发现土体微观结构受干湿-冻融循环影响显著,土体微观结构逐渐破碎,颗粒总面积减少,孔隙体积增加,微小孔隙不断连接,逐渐形成新的裂隙;裂隙参数 Q 与各微观参数的灰色关联度均大于0.67,其中颗粒总数及颗粒总面积为主要影响因素;裂隙的产生使土颗粒之间的相互作用力逐渐减小,导致黏聚力变小。


    Abstract: The expansive soil canal slope of the first phase project of water supply in northern Xinjiang will experience several processes of water supply, of water interruption, of water freezing and melting every year, which will lead to sliding failure of canal slope. To further explore the sliding failure mechanism of expansive soil canal slope, the physical mechanism of expansive soil degradation is analyzed from the macro-fine-micro three angles through the fracture test, shear test and micro test of expansive soil. The results show that: Expansive soil after the drying-wetting-freezing-thawing cycles, the fracture rate, the cracks number, and the total cracks length of expansive soil show a sharp upward trend, and then the speed slows down and finally stabilizes. Due to the problems of single measurement of existing indexes, upon existing fracture indexes, a new fracture evaluation index Q is proposed by the number of intersection points and cracks, which can comprehensively evaluate the degree of fracture development. Q increases with the increase of cycles, and then slows down and finally tends to be stable. After different times of drying-wetting-freezing-thawing cycles, the cohesion of expansive soil decreases with the increase of cycles, and the internal friction angle is basically at a stable value. The shear strength is mainly related to the cohesion. The relationship curve between cohesion and fracture parameter Q varies linearly, and the cohesion decreases with the increase of Q. In terms of microscopic mechanism, it is found that the soil microstructure is significantly affected by the drying-wetting-freezing-thawing cycles by micro-electron microscope scanning. The soil microstructure is gradually broken, the total particles area is reduced, the pore volume is increased, and the micro pores are continuously connected to form new cracks. The grey correlation degree between fracture parameters Q and microscopic parameters is greater than 0.67, and the total number and total particles area are the main influencing factors. The generation of cracks makes the interaction force between soil particles gradually decrease, resulting in smaller cohesion.


