Based on the peak value and frequency spectrum of ground motion, a method for the construction of main and aftershock sequences, which is suitable for seismic engineering, with a simple process is proposed, and 7 main and aftershock sequences are constructed. The seismic performance of a 12-storey pre-pressed self-centering energy dissipation (PS-SCED) braced reinforced concrete (RC) frame structure under the main and aftershocks is studied and compared with a buckling restrained (BRB) braced structure. The results show that both braces have stable hysteretic properties and full hysteretic loops. The PS-SCED brace also has good self-centering characteristics, and the maximum residual drift ratio of a PS-SCED braced structure is 74.7% less than that of a BRB braced structure. Under the action of the main and aftershock sequences, the residual drift ratio of the top floor and the structural energy dissipation of the PS-SCED braced structure increase compared with the values only under the action of the mainshock, and the maximum increments are 35.3% and 19.6%, respectively. Aftershocks increase the energy dissipation and damage of structures. The PS-SCED braces can significantly improve the seismic performance of RC frame structures.