Boundary Element Method for Non-linear analysis the Progressive Failure of Rock Engineering
摘要: 本文根据内变量理论,应用均匀化技术处理岩石的变形与破坏过程,建立了岩石渐进破坏的本构关系以及相应的边界元公式并系统地给出了初应力表示下的非线性边界元计算步骤和方法。由此可有效地处理岩石的软化、膨胀、不抗拉等特性。实例计算表明本文所建立的边界元方法是有效而可靠的。Abstract: Based on the plastic theory with internal variables, the homogenization technique has been applied into the rock engineering to present the deformation and failure of rock, The BEM is developed to simulate the progressive failure of rock engineering. The method can estimate the effects of the progressive failure, no-tension and dilation of rock mass. Some examples are solved to illustrate the efficiency of the boundary element method and its application to rock engineering.