Analysis of Thin-walled IVSember with Taking into Account the Shear Deformation
摘要: 本文应用势能原理,讨论薄壁杆件的剪力滞后现象。导出以截面横向位移和节点纵向位移为未知量的有限元法的基本方程。算例表明,本方法计算量少,精度高,特别适用于分析高层建筑和桥梁结构。Abstract: In this paper, based on the principle of potential energy the shear lag phenomena of thin-walled members is discussed. Taking the lateral displacement of the cross section and the longitudinal displacement of nodes as the basic variables the finite element analysis of thin-walled member structures is formulated. Numerical examples show that quite good results can be obtained. The proposed method is particularly suitable for the analysis of tall buildings and bridge structures.