
Shear Strength Calculation Based on Concrete Failure Criterion

  • 摘要: 本文基于混凝土的破坏准则讨论了无腹筋梁的破坏机理,从临界斜裂缝所形成的破坏机构出发,建立了弯矩平衡条件和变形协调条件,推导了无腹筋梁抗剪强度的表达式。该公式不仅适合于包括压剪、斜拉破坏在内的斜截面强度计算,也适合于弯曲破坏的正截面强度计算。因此,是梁的正、斜截面强度的统一表达式。同试验结果比较表明,本文的结论及计算结果均和试验符合良好。


    Abstract: Based on the failure criterion of concrete .which is suggested by authors,a calculation method on the shear strength of reinforcd concete beams is presented. The method including the equilibrium condition and the compatibility condition is based on a diagonal crack failure pattern.The calculated results show good agreement with experimental data.


