摘要: 根据环形预应力作用机理,结合弹性地基梁理论,提出了预应力混凝土压力管道在结构施工阶段的验算方法,给出了预应力筋束的最大间距,确定了预应力筋束分步张拉施工与荷载控制的方法.结合多层圆筒轴对称平面形变计算理论,提出了预应力混凝土压力管道运行阶段抗裂性能的验算方法,同时给出了预应力混凝土压力管道极限承载能力计算公式.所作的工作对预应力混凝土压力管道的设计与施工具有重要的应用价值.Abstract: A method is developed to check the fracture strength of longitudinal tensile stress of concrete during construction stage of prestressed concrete penstock. A formula is proposed to calculate the maximum distance of two consecutive strands that results in uniform distribution of concrete prestress along the penstock. The tensile steps and the tensile forces during construction stage of prestressed strands are determined for decreasing the secondary bending moment along the axis of penstock. Based on the theory of multiplayer axisymmetric plane strain model, a method is proposed to calculate the fracture strength of concrete during normal service stage. A design formula is also given to calculate the ultimate bearing capacity of prestressed concrete penstock. The work in the paper is believe to be useful for rational design and construction of prestressed concrete penstock.