Spline Function Method for Structural Dynamic Analysis
摘要: 求解结构动力反应问题的样条函数法是作者1980—1981年提出来的,现在又有不少新的进展。本文主要介绍这个方法的基本原理及其应用,其中包括样条最小二乘法、样条伽辽金法、样条配点法、样条最小二乘配点法及样条伽辽金配点法。这些方法容易在电子计算机上实现,利用小型或微型计算机可以解题,不仅计算简便,而且精确度也高,能满足工程上的精确度要求。本文只考虑线性问题。Abstract: Spline Functiou Method for structural dynami canalysis was advanaced by the auther (Qiu Rong, 1980—1981). This paper trims to introduce briefly the fundamentals and applications of this method. This method has great advantages over Newmark method, Wilson-θ method and Hilber-α method. The main features of this method are higher accuracy and less time. The method can be easily carried out with a computer.