
Collecting and Processing of Vibration Signals by a Microcomputer

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了一个轴系试验台的振动信号测试系统,该系统的特点是将通用微机与常规振动测试仪器联用,以达到测量系统数字化和一定范围的智能化。文中着重讨论了如何从试验目的出发选配硬件,并运用现代信号分析技术编制软件,以有效地对轴系振动信号进行采集和处理。


    Abstract: This paper presents a measurement system of a shafting vibration test bed. One of the characteristics of the system is that a general purpose microcomputer equipped with general instruments is made useful for measuring vibration, in order to make the system carry out the digitalization and the compu terization to a certain degree. This paper also puts emphasis on how to collect and to process vibration signals by means of selecting hardwares, applying modern signal analysis techniques and working out powerful programs according to the goal of the experiments.


