Damage to fault-crossing structures is often caused by the coupling effect of active fault dislocation and of strong ground motion. To consider this coupling effect in seismic response analysis of fault-crossing engineering, a design ground motion selection and scaling based on two parameters considering strong earthquake-dislocation coupling effect is proposed in this study. Permanent displacement and peak ground acceleration are selected as the target parameters, and the corresponding target values under rare and extremely rare earthquakes are determined by the probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis and by the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. In the near-fault ground motion database with permanent displacement, the ground motion record with the best matching degree to the target values is selected initially. After amplitude modulation based on peak ground acceleration and baseline correction based on target permanent displacement, the design ground motion is obtained that meets the two-parameter design demand, which considers the strong earthquake-dislocation coupling effect. Case analysis shows that: compared with the single-parameter processing method, the two-parameter design ground motion selection and scaling based on peak ground acceleration and on permanent displacement achieves the matching between the selected parameters and the corresponding design demand, and ensure the effectiveness and rationality of the design ground motion considering strong earthquake-dislocation coupling effect.