A new type of precast RC shear wall with replaceable corner components was proposed and the influence of different parameters on the compressive-flexural behavior were studied based on numerical analysis. These parameters include the strength and height of replaceable corner components, and the thickness of embedded steel plate in non-replaceable zone. The results indicated that the lateral strength of the precast RC shear wall increased as the increase of strength of replaceable corner components. The precast RC shear wall had approximately identical lateral strength with cast-in-situ RC shear wall when the ratio of compressive strength of replaceable corner components to the boundary element of cast-in-situ RC shear wall is 0.85 or the ratio of tensile strength of replaceable corner components to the boundary element of cast-in-situ RC shear wall is 1.35. The height of replaceable corner components had a limited influence on the compressive-flexural lateral strength, on the stiffness and hysteretic behavior of precast RC shear wall; and one-half of sectional height was recommended for the height of replaceable corner comments. The thickness of embedded steel plate in non-replaceable zone also had a limited influence on the compressive-flexural behavior of precast RC shear wall, thus the principle of equal shear resistance between cast-in-situ RC shear wall and precast RC shear wall was recommended to ensure the damage focused on the replaceable zones.