

  • 摘要: 审图,即设计审查,是保障工程设计安全、环保、舒适、合规的关键环节。针对传统人工审图成本高、主观性强、低效、易错等问题,智能审图应运而生并被广泛关注与应用。该文对近年来自动化审图和智能审图的研究与应用做了全面调研和综述,建立了相应的理论研究框架,并系统总结了智能审图的应用发展路径。当前,相关研究主要围绕图(或设计)的可计算性与规范(或知识)的可计算性展开,前者重点解决计算机如何识别、理解设计方案的问题,后者重点解决计算机如何理解规范知识并进行推理的问题。根据数字化与智能化的方式,可将智能审图相关应用实践分为数字化、感知智能、认知智能三个维度,其中审图流程及业务的数字化是基础,感知智能是CAD(Computer-Aided Design)识图、逆向翻模的技术支撑,认知智能则是知识推理计算的重要手段。最后,研究指出智能审图方兴未艾,在模型语义扩充、复杂工程知识表示学习、性能化设计审查、算法鲁棒性及透明性等方面仍面临着巨大挑战。


    Abstract: Design review, i.e., design compliance checking, is a key step to ensure the safety, environmental protection, comfort, and compliance of a design. To address the problem of high cost, subjectivity, low efficiency and error-proneness of manual checking of building designs, intelligent design review (e.g., automated compliance checking) has been proposed and widely studied and applied. This research provides a comprehensive review of the research and application progress of intelligent design review in recent years, establishes its theoretical research framework, and systematically summarizes the development path of its application. Currently, researches are mainly focusing on the computability of drawings (or designs solutions) and computability & reasoning of regulations (or knowledge). The application of intelligent design review can be classified into three aspects: digitization, perceptual intelligence and cognitive intelligence. Among them, digitization is the foundation of the design review process, perceptual intelligence supports automatic CAD drawing recognition and model reconstruction, while cognitive intelligence makes it possible for knowledge reasoning and computation. Finally, this research points out that the intelligent design review is in the ascendant stage, and it still faces huge challenges in terms of model semantic extending, complex knowledge representation, performance-based design review and algorithm robustness & transparency.


