Graphical Abstract
The reflection wave field of inclined surface is more complex than horizontal one, which combines the characteristics of both vertical and oblique incidence reflections. Existing viscoelastic artificial boundary methods used for dynamic analysis of inclined surface models exhibit inadequate boundary stress absorption effects. Based on the reflection wave field decomposition principle of stress wave oblique incidence, this paper decomposed the reflection wave field of natural slope for P-wave vertical incidence and derived viscoelastic stress correction formula suitable for slope dynamic models. For the rapid and precise application of artificial boundaries and seismic input, Python language was used for the secondary development of ABAQUS software. Model validation demonstrates that the improved viscoelastic artificial boundary technique, when employed in the dynamic response analysis of slope foundations, effectively eliminates residual stress waves on the left boundary and reduces the degree of reflection waves disturbance in the interior field. The natural slope with curved slope top and toe exhibits disturbed or distorted reflection wave fields at the slope top due to their propagation characteristics and intersection interference of reflection waves, whereas the reflection wave field at the slope toe generally remains undisturbed. Conversely, for cutting slope with angular shape of top and toe, the reflection wave field at the slope top is severely distorted and complex, while the reflection wave field at the slope toe shows a certain level of disturbance. The equivalent nodal force method for seismic input in solving dynamic models of slope ensures that the displacement and stress conditions at the artificial boundaries are highly similar to those of semi-infinite models than other seismic input methods.