

  • 摘要: 土木结构的损伤识别技术对提升结构可靠性与安全性具有重要意义,也是土木结构健康监测研究中的热点问题。现有的损伤识别方法往往需要识别模态参数,或者需要准确获取结构外部载荷信息,极大限制了相关方法在实际工程中的应用。为克服现有方法的局限性,该文将结构动态响应重构方法引入到损伤识别中,提出了基于应变模态响应重构的损伤识别方法。构建结构健康状态的有限元模型,以损伤结构测量的信号输入,通过基于经验模态分解的应变重构方法,可以获取使用无损伤模型的结构全局模态响应。以传感器采集的模态响应和重构模态响应的差异作为有限元模型修正的依据,通过应变模态比值构建的传递率的灵敏度矩阵进行迭代运算,求得损伤位置及损伤程度。该方法无需获取结构的外部激励信息,通过高效的时域应变重构,能够在少量测量信号下实现对结构损伤的精确识别。为验证该方法的准确性和高效性,开展了连续梁单一损伤和多损伤识别研究,探讨了测量噪声和模态阶次选取对识别结果的影响,结果表明,该方法能够准确、高效识别不同程度的损伤,对测量噪声具有较强的鲁棒性。


    Abstract: Damage identification technology of civil structures is of great significance to improve the reliability and safety of structures, and it is a hot topic in the research of civil structural health monitoring. Current damage identification methods often need to identify the modal parameters or accurately obtain the external load information of a structure, which greatly limits their application in practical engineering. To overcome the limitations of the existing methods, the structural dynamic response reconstruction method is introduced into the damage identification and a damage identification method based on strain modal response reconstruction is proposed. The finite element model of the healthy structure is constructed, and the measurement signal is input from the damaged structure. The global modal response of the structure using the undamaged model could be obtained through the strain reconstruction method based on empirical mode decomposition. The discrepancy between the modal response collected by sensors and the reconstructed modal response was taken as the basis of finite element model modification, and the damage location and damage degree were obtained through iterative calculation of the sensitivity matrix of the transmissibility constructed by the strain mode ratio. This method does not need to obtain the external excitation information of the structure, and can realize the accurate identification of structural damage with a few measurement signals through the efficient time-domain strain reconstruction. To verify the accuracy and efficiency of this method, single damage and multiple damage identifications of a continuous beam were carried out. The influence of measurement noise and modal order selection on the identification results was discussed. The results show that this method can accurately and efficiently identify the damage of different degrees, and has strong robustness against measurement noise.


